To replace single ou multiple teeth with fixed prosthesis
The dental bridge
The ai mis to replace a single or multiple teeth thanks to the front and back teeth. It is perfect when the teeth are damaged. If the are healthy, we woud recommend implants.
To replace a single tooth

To replace multiple teeth

To replace teeth with removable prosthesis
The stellite
The avantage is to replace teeth quickly and easily. It is a good alternative to implants.
Exemple of a stellite :

The Valplast
No metal, more esthetic.
Partial denture

Full denture : when all the teeth are gone we make a full denture.

Fixed on implants
We have two types
On snaps

Stabilized with a bar

Dental implant
Thanks to the progress of biomaterials, it is now possible tu put a titan screw called implant to restore the missing teeth.
The dentist chooses the length, the diameter and the shape of the implant according to the anatomy of the patient using a Dentascan or Cone Beam exam.
The protocole has 4 steps :
- Inspection of your mouth and analysis of the scan
- Putting up the up the implant
- Healing (few months)
- Making the crown up to the implant
The avantages of implant :
- Avoid to damage healthy teeth
- Confort while eating
- More esthetic
Our implants are french made with a brand working in implantology over sixty years.